Top Stocks to Invest Now for Beginners in Stock Market Trading

              The first step in successful stock market investing is to Understand the stock market. This is a very crucial step in your investment journey. If you begin investing in the stock market with a thorough or at least a good understanding of the stock exchange itself; you may suffer losses in the beginning. These initial reductions may discourage you lifelong from undertaking stock market investments. So, it's highly important that you begin your journey being fully ready.

A stock market is basically a market to buy and sell Stocks of those companies. It refers collectively to all the stock exchanges, where the issuing and trading of stocks take place. The stock trading can be performed on the correct exchange platform or in an over-the-counter market. Stock market is also referred to as the equity market. The stock market provides a company with a mechanism to acquire capital from investors instead of a partial or fractional ownership.

The stock market has two main components viz. primary market and secondary market. The new issues of the stocks are sold in the primary market by the company going public. The subsequent buying and selling of the stock, after it's been recorded and marketed by the company, takes place in the secondary market.

Stock Exchanges Today:

Stock exchanges have been established in all major financial Centers and cities throughout the world such as New York, London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Tokyo, etc..

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the NASDAQ will be the two  Largest stock exchanges in the United States. NYSE was founded in 1792. NYSE is the biggest stock exchange in the world in terms of market capitalization.

Stock Exchange Risks:

There are a number of dangers associated with stock market investing. The volatility of the stock prices is among the most important risks associated with investing in stocks. The rise and decline in the price of a stock even by 20% in a day, is not a matter of surprise.

Sometimes, there is a widespread decline or drop in the Prices of almost all of the stocks. This situation is referred to as a stock market crash and is very painful to the stockholders. In the event of a stock exchange crash, the investors may not find any buyers for many of the stocks they hold.

Regulators of the Stock Markets:

The governments of various countries have established Regulators to monitor the actions of the stock exchanges with an aim to protect investors.

In the US, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is The main regulator that tracks the U.S. stock markets. The SEC summarizes that its mission is to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation."

Stock Market Functionaries and Players:

The stock exchange has a number of functionaries and players. They are stockbrokers, traders, portfolio managers, stock analysts, and investment bankers. They have different roles to play but are interrelated.

Stockbrokers buy and sell securities on behalf of the investors. Portfolio managers look after and manage the stocks or investments for their clients. Stock analysts study on the stocks and rate them for buying and selling. Investment bankers work for the businesses for their IPOs, mergers, and acquisitions, etc..

One of the more powerful methods of investing in stocks is investing in mutual funds. Mutual funds invest in stocks also, however, they pool the investible funds of a large number of investors, and then invest that collective pool of funds on the respective stocks. When there is any loss in one particular stock; it is spread over a large number of investors and consequently, the loss to an individual investor is quite bearable. This is simply due to the large magnitude of the overall funds. Therein resides the beauty of investing in stocks through mutual funds.

The benefit of diversification, which is not available to a  Little investor in pure stock investing, becomes available to the smallest individual investor thanks to mutual funds. The mutual fund companies, also known as asset management companies, employ professionally qualified and experienced persons to control the investments. Their expertise and professional approach to stock investing serves the tiny investors very well, thus, mutual funds are an effective, efficient, and less risky way to invest in the stocks. However, mutual funds aren't a totally risk-free way of investing. Mutual funds also include various fees and expenses. The investor has to bear them ultimately.

Advantages of Mutual Funds:

· Diversification: Mutual funds have well-diversified portfolios. They have a large number of stocks of numerous companies across many industries. This helps them in bearing the risk because of a sudden or big loss caused by a particular stock or industry. By spreading the investments across the spectrum of shares, businesses, or businesses, you can protect your investments at the times of wide swings or market fluctuations. Mutual funds are a real life application of an age-old maxim"Do not put all your eggs in one basket".

· Variety: The mutual funds, particularly the large and well established mutual funds, have a huge quantity of money for investing and this means that they are able to invest in an array of assets and asset classes. By way of example, some mutual funds may invest in a mix of big caps and mid caps. The big caps give stability to the portfolio; while mid caps offer the growth potential.

· Affordability: If investors want to build a well-diversified portfolio, they will need a huge amount to invest. But, a small investor can also invest in a well diversified portfolio through a mutual fund by investing in a sum money that is affordable.

· Dividend: You can find some regular income through the dividend declared and distributed by the mutual fund.

· Liquidity: You may also redeem your mutual fund portfolio in the net asset value (NAV).

· Professional Expertise: Mutual funds are managed by people with a great deal of financial expertise and experience. This makes it easier for you to reap the benefits of smart investments.

Benefits of Mutual Funds:

· Costs: You have to bear ultimately all of the costs, fees, and fees related to the operations of the mutual fund or the asset management company. This reduces the value of your mutual fund portfolio or the net asset value (NAV) as well as the returns. You must bear these costs even if the performance of the mutual fund is negative i.e. you have made losses with the decline in the total value of your mutual fund portfolio.

· Risk of Loss: You have all the risks related to inventory investing when you invest in a mutual fund. You may lose a part or all of your money in a mutual fund investment in case of market volatility.

· Performance: Though the mutual funds have a past performance and track record, it doesn't be certain that the future operation would be outstanding.

· Limited Potential: When markets are on the move with higher growth in selected stocks or industries, you may not gain whole profit potential of investing in those particular stocks or industries. This is because your investments are in a diversified mutual fund.

· Deficiency of Guarantee: The mutual fund investments aren't guaranteed by the government or by any other government agency like the guarantee you have for your deposits from the bank in many countries e.g. guarantee of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in the US.

You can decide on whether or not to invest your money in mutual Funds after considering the advantages and disadvantage of the mutual funds in your individual case, taking into account your investment objectives, size of portfolio, risk appetite, etc..

There are various types of mutual funds in which you can invest. Mutual funds have three main categories viz. stock funds or equity funds, bond funds, and money market funds. Each category of the mutual funds has its own unique attributes, returns, and risks. Higher the return potential, the greater is the chance of loss.

There are some limitations imposed on the mutual fund with Respect to where and how much it can invest in the different types of assets or stocks depending on its category. However, these rules vary from country to country. In some countries, there are rules that require a mutual fund to invest at least 80% assets in the type of investments belonging to its declared category. You may be aware of the exact type of investments from the mutual fund prospectus.

Money Market Mutual Funds: These are funds that invest in short-term Investments or securities issued by the authorities, or top-level creditworthy corporates. They are less volatile when compared with the other types of mutual funds. But, they have low yields too. The returns usually move in tandem with the short-term interest prices. They offer a good alternative to keeping your money in cash in a bank account, as they offer you high liquidity and you can take out your money very quickly.

Bond Mutual Funds: These are funds That invest in the bonds issued by the government and companies. They have higher risks when compared with the money market funds, but less danger in comparison with the stock or equity funds. Most of the bond funds concentrate on higher yields. The bond fund's earnings after expenses are known as bond yield, which mainly depends upon bond quality and maturity.

These funds mainly face credit risk i.e. the risk that the counterparty viz. Bond issuing authorities entity or the company may fail to pay the coupon/interest or the principal amount. The credit risk depends on credit the quality of the bonds contained in the fund portfolio. These funds also face interest rate risk and usually, the market value of the bond funds goes down when interest rates rise, particularly in case of longer term-bonds. Usually, the lower the quality or the longer the maturity of bond; the greater is the yield and risk.

Stock or Equity Mutual Funds: These funds invest in the shares of various companies. They have higher risks as compared to money market or bond funds. They also have high volatility. But, the stock or equity mutual funds have performed better than other investments over the long term historically.

These funds mainly face the market risk The prices of stocks may fluctuate considerably. The prices may fluctuate due to many reasons, e.g. changes in the general economy, industry level happenings, individual company or stock level developments associated with earnings, input costs, management, etc..

Stock or Equity Mutual Funds is a broad degree category and include many sub-categories of mutual funds in it, such as:

· Growth Funds: focus on stocks with high growth potential.

· Income Funds: focus on stocks paying regular dividends.

· Sector Funds: focus on a specific industry or sector e.g. IT, telecom, etc..

· Index Funds: focus on a portfolio of shares replicating an Index to accomplish the same yield, e.g. S&P 500.

· Balanced Funds: concentrate on a portfolio with an optimum combination of both the stocks and bonds.

Buying and Selling of Mutual Funds

You may buy the shares of mutual funds in a number of ways. The Most frequent way is buying from the fund itself or buying through a financial adviser.

The price for mutual fund stocks is usually calculated on the basis of the per stock net asset value (NAV) of the mutual fund. Based on a mutual fund, there may be a stockholder fee levied at the time of buying such as sales load. The NAV of a mutual fund is calculated at the end of the specific business day by dividing the entire value of the holdings of the mutual fund after deduction of expenses, by the entire number of stocks owned by the mutual fund. Buyers of mutual funds buy at the NAV calculated after they place the buying order.

The shares of mutual funds are redeemable i.e. the investor can sell the stocks back to the mutual fund at any point in time.

All said and done, mutual fund investing is a great and Amazing way to invest in the stocks. There are a number of mutual funds with wide-ranging characteristics, different types of portfolios, and investment philosophies. You may choose the one which best fits your individual needs and circumstances in terms of return objectives, risk tolerance, liquidity needs, etc..

It will give you a good opportunity to learn about inventory  Investing if you continuously track the performance of your mutual fund portfolio and how it moves with the overall stock markets in addition to with the peer group of mutual funds.

Thus, you will start recognizing a pattern of price movements In the stocks with terms of the financial environment, the operation of the businesses and businesses, earnings, results of organizations, etc.. After a time, when you become well versed with all these stock investment related things, you may opt to take a plunge in the broad ocean of stock investing on your own; and come out with flying colors.
